
I finished up this little ornament design from Country Cottage in the 2007 JCS ornie magazine.  I changed the greens to DMC 502 & 503.  Yesterday I dragged Ethan “The Pill” to 3 quilt shops trying to find the right fabric for this pillow and ended up using this floral from my stash.  I used this same fabric on my Blackbird finishes recently, you could say it is a favorite of mine.

I have a similar finish in mind for Little House’s ‘Snow Bunnies’ in the same issue.  Ornament designs are a great size design for this type of finish.

The bottom photo of the hot air balloon I took this morning when I was sitting on my reading couch looking out the window.  Jerry just called and needs a shopping list for Sam’s Club – better put one together and call him back!


PS – while looking on eBay for some Victoria Holt books that I’m missing for my collection (a favorite author since highschool) – I bought myself a little stitching treat.  I’ll share it when it arrives!

18 thoughts on “peace

  1. Peace came out so pretty and as always, your pillow finishing is top notch! I have a ‘pill’ too when it comes to Mama shopping OF ANY KIND!

    Have a good Sunday night,

  2. Mary Kathryn … the pillow looks lovely. I wanted to stop by and say hi. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better as your partner for Fair Squares exchange.

  3. Oh, me too, I read Victoria Holt as a girl, actually long before high school I think. There were all sorts of books around the house growing up and my mother never really censored what I read so I developed that romantic imagination early on!

    Gorgeous pillow finish for Peace, and your finishing materials for the next project look very nice.

  4. A lovely pillow finish, your background fabric is beautiful. Which Victoria Holts are you missing – I have several and would willingly pass on any you don’t have.

  5. Dear Clare,

    How wonderful – thank you for the offer!

    Here are the ones I was looking for today:

    Mistress of Mellyn (1960)
    Kirkland Revels (1962)
    The Shivering Sands (1969)
    The Secret Woman (1970)
    Spring of the Tiger (1979)

    I’ll email you about postage~


  6. Mary Kathryn, your taste is exquisite! I just love admiring your work and the choices you make on fabrics. Wanna help me??? 😀
    As always, I LOVE your blog and all your finishes!

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