Friday Finish








I’ve become a very slow stitcher, partly because the only time I have for stitching is right before bed when I can barely keep my eyes open. I plugged away at this one and finally have a finish to share.

This is a design called Dame of the Needles Sewing Roll from Country Stitches. I mostly used the colors listed, I didn’t use two different blues like the pattern calls for, just one and I subbed DMC for the house and her skin. I stitched this on 32 lambswool linen which is on the darker side, this fabric can vary in color depending on the linen it’s made with. I’ve had these blue patches of fabric for ages and I love them on this pillow.

Remember when blue was such a popular color to decorate with? I don’t have much blue in my house anymore. Just this little doll a good friend made me long ago, and a little blue in this throw I knitted. I really like blue, I think I forgot that for a while.


PS – I do have this chart at the webshop.

9 thoughts on “Friday Finish

  1. That is on my wish list still… Beautifully stitched and finished! Like it lots! Sorry if I have not posted, but I AM reading… it’s been hard to keep up for some reason… Perhaps the sheer number of blogs (80+!!)… hmmmm… Hugs!

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