twas the night before

A quiet day at home.  I’m hoping my mail man brings some packages that are long overdue – otherwise everything is wrapped.  We usually go to a candlelight Christmas service that ends at midnight, but the weather is turning and it may just be best to stay home tonight.  I’ve made some homemade soup and crusty bread for dinner.

Eleanor has let me know that the Christmas gift I sent her has arrived.  This little design I made into a pillow is from an old magazine.  I used Lancaster Red Weeks wool on the back.  I’m glad it finally reached her in Switzerland.

All the advent candles are lit and there is only one more little square waiting to go on the calender, we save Santa til the end.  I have finished my Peacock Spot Sampler and have started a quick Christmas Stitch that I hope to send you through my blog tomorrow with some extra snowy Rocky Mountain photos I took on a long drive Saturday.


12 thoughts on “twas the night before

  1. Merry Christmas Mary Kathryn! Your stitching is beautiful! Thank you for the card with my order – that was so sweet! I hope you have a very Happy New Year! 🙂

  2. Maary K,

    Have a wonderful day today…it’s Christmas Day. It is warm and windy here. Hope your next year is full of God’s blessings for you and your family and that you have a very productive year with your needlework. Thank you for all you share with us in your blog, it has been a joy to read and visit.

  3. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

    That crusty bread and soup sounds like soooooo yummy! My mouth is watering. Perfect Wintery food!

    Lovely ornament pillow too, I’ve got big plans for ornament making this year (or next year now, I guess, lol) since I didn’t get a single one done for this Christmas, and that half and half finish is just lovely.

  4. Mary feliz navidad y muchas bendiciones para el año que viene.
    Muy hermosas todas tus creaciones
    Yo espero aprovechar estos días para terminar algunos proyectos de bordado
    Feliz Navidad
    María Esther Molina
    Costa Rica

  5. Thank you for your great blog–have become a devoted reader. Admire your stitching–but even more you quickly finish your pieces! Who is the designer of Twas the Night Before Christmas?

  6. Hi Nancy,

    Thank you for your post. Twas the Night is from Prairie Schooler is now out of print. A very nice stitching friend loaned her chart to me so that I could stitch this last May.


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